East West Studios
SBS Designs S Series Amplifiers Demoed:
S2 Class AB Amplifier
S5 Pure Class AB High Current 2 Ohm Stable amplifier
East West Studios current in house Amplifiers:
Loud Speakers:
Wilson Audio – X-1 Grand Slamm series 3′s
Kieth Munsen feedback
The SBS amps are incredibly punchy, and feel very smooth across all registers. They feel very precise without being sterile.
Tracks that I’m very familiar with sounded cleaner and much clearer than I’m used to hearing. Subtleties that were lost listening on the Krell amps through the same system re-appeared with the depth and clarity that were intended on the SBS Amps.
Kieth Munsen
Staff Engineer East West Studios
Los Angeles California
SBS Slammer | Custom sound systems by Shorty Craig Bernabeu
